Welcome to Reading by Design
The book Reading By Design is a guide to help you design an effective reading program specific to your child’s needs. This book will teach you how to set up an effective reading program with your child at home and individualize it to your child’s specific needs. In addition to the basic reading program, the techniques covered in this book have been shown to be highly effective with children as an intervention with at-risk-children in a public school setting.
The techniques were the subject of a research study that was presented at the 2012 national conference of the American Psychological Association in Orlando, FL. Children in the study made significant gains in word attack, fluency and vocabulary. This guide includes information about commercial reading programs, how to purchase materials at the right level, and how to use these materials effectively. Included are movement and board games, and multisensory activities, that are played to maintain interest and improve the focus of children.
Reading By Design is a valuable guide for anyone designing a reading program. The connection between vocabulary, fluency and comprehension is explained in detail.